PIC 2 for Barton Street & Fifty Road Improvements EA

These improvements are intended to better serve our community by enhancing transportation by car, truck, transit, bike or on foot.

This study will fulfill the requirements of the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (EA) process (October 2000, as amended last in 2023) Phases 3 and 4, with the CN Rail crossing portion of Fifty Road, fulfilling requirements of Phases 1 and 2.

Study Area of Barton Street & Fifty Road

How to Participate

You are invited to attend a Public Information Centre (PIC #2). This event will be held in person but there will also be opportunities to view presented materials online. The PIC will offer an opportunity to comment on the updated Barton Street improvements since PIC #1.

Review PIC 2 Materials

Visit the project website at engage.hamilton.ca/bartonfiftyea to:

  • View Information display panels and roll plans
  • Reference the Frequently Asked Questions
  • Watch video recording of the presentation
  • Provide comments by July 11, 2024

Attend the In-Person Meeting

Public Information Centre #2
Date: Thursday, June 20, 2024
Time: 6 to 8 pm
Location: Stoney Creek Municipal Service Centre Lobby, 777 Highway 8

If you have any accessibility requirements to be able to review the PIC materials and provide comments, please contact project staff below as soon as possible.


If you have any questions or comments about the study or would like to be added to the project mailing list, contact:

Chris Hamel,
Consultant Project Manager
Arcadis Professional Services Inc.
Call 416-596-1930 ext 61578
Email bartonfifty@arcadis.com

Information will be collected in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. With the exception of personal information, all comments will become part of the public record.

This notice was published on June 7 and 14, 2024.
