City launches initiatives to boost housing

HAMILTON, ON – The City of Hamilton is further addressing housing challenges by launching initiatives under the Housing Accelerator Fund (HAF). These initiatives are a testament to the City of Hamilton’s commitment to accelerate housing development across the city.

The Housing Accelerator Fund was established by the federal government to support municipalities in creating new residential units. The City of Hamilton has secured an annual allocation of $23.5 million, for three years, through this fund to incentivize the development of 2,675 net new residential units.

“Housing is a human right. Affordable housing is imperative. Through the Housing Secretariat, I am committed to implementing solutions-based initiatives to address the housing crisis in our community,” said Mayor Andrea Horwath. “The new initiatives launched under the Housing Accelerator Fund mark a significant milestone in our efforts to create a more inclusive and sustainable housing landscape in Hamilton. We encourage homeowners, developers, and stakeholders to join us in this crucial endeavour.”

The Housing Secretariat is a key player established by Hamilton City Council in April 2023 to lead the ‘Whole of Hamilton’ approach in this work. The comprehensive strategy focuses on creating safe, affordable rental and ownership housing, aligning directly with the City’s Housing Sustainability & Investment Roadmap (HSIR). The HSIR sets out the key priorities for housing sustainability, ensuring a holistic approach to the city’s housing needs.

Key components of the Housing Accelerator Fund initiatives include:

  • Acceleration Program for Accessory Dwelling Units and Multi-Plex Conversions: Aim to create additional accessory dwelling units, with a portion dedicated to affordable housing.
  • Rapid Transit Multi-Residential Rental Housing Grant Program: Target rental housing development along rapid transit corridors, ensuring accessibility for all community members.
  • Housing Acceleration Zoning Reform Program: Remove barriers to housing development across the city, particularly outside transit corridors.
  • Land and Property Disposition Program for Housing: Identify opportunities for developing affordable housing on City-owned and under-utilized land.
  • New and Enhanced Incentive Programs for Housing Development: Enhance existing programs and incentives to promote housing supply.
  • Planning Review and Studies for Rapid Transit Corridors: Assess housing development opportunities along rapid transit networks and update zoning accordingly.
  • Support Housing Development on Remediated Brownfield Sites: Leverage brownfield sites for new residential development, focusing on environmental remediation.

“These initiatives underscore our commitment to fostering a vibrant and resilient community where everyone has access to safe and affordable housing,” said Justin Lewis, Director, Housing Secretariat. “By leveraging innovative approaches and partnerships, we are working towards building a brighter future for all residents of Hamilton.”

The Housing Secretariat collaborates with various City departments and stakeholders and engages residents to drive meaningful change in Hamilton’s housing landscape. The work of the Secretariat, along with the Housing Accelerator Fund initiatives, highlight the City’s ongoing work to increase the housing supply, promote affordability, and foster inclusive communities.

For more information and to access applications for the above initiatives, please visit

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