Ontario allocates $30M for vape detectors in schools, boards seek clarity

The province says millions of dollars will be spent on vape detectors in schools, but school boards say they still need more direction on just what the money is intended for.

The response follows the weekend announcement from the Ministry of Education on vaping and cell phones in schools – calling them both big distractions.

The Ministry of Education says it’s now going to ban vaping in schools, even though it was never allowed in the first place.

On Sunday, the government said its strengthening the rules around students caught with vapes or cigarettes. Students will be required to surrender these products and parents will be notified immediately.

“Vaping is a huge issue I don’t think in the last couple of years, I’ve heard about bathroom issue than I have in my 30 plus years of teaching,” said OSSTF President Karen Littlewood.

The government also announced $30 million to install vape detectors and other security upgrades in schools.

“There is about 48 hundred schools in the province of Ontario , 30 million and I don’t think that going to hit every bathroom in the province,” said Littlewood.

While the government says the $30 million is for vape detectors, it’s up to the individual school boards to spend the money how they want

As for cellphones, the premier was asked about the new rule Monday, but did not mention specifics when it came to enforcement.
