McMaster women’s volleyball retires from head coach position

Long-time coach of the McMaster University women’s volleyball team, Tim Louks, is officially retiring from the head coaching position. But, Louks will still be on the Marauder’s bench.

“I think Tim is one of the most genuine, kind people I’ve ever met in my life. And he truly made a major impact and changed me, big time, for the better.” Jessie Nairn played for the Marauders and head coach Louks for six seasons starting in 2016.

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Six foot two player Alicia Jack had her sights set on a basketball career before she met coach Louks. “…Right in the beginning he had belief and saw potential in me that I never thought was possible. So he took me from being a basketball player to being a competitive volleyball player.”

Jack played for the Marauders until 2017 and says she’s learned so much just from watching coach Louks.

“I think as athletes we all learned a lot of lessons from Tim Louks. A lot that go beyond just the sport of volleyball,” Jack said.

Emma McKinnon has played for coach Louks since 2020, but has known him her whole life.

“He’s a meant a lot in the sense of that he really takes the time to like think about the personal as well as just volleyball. He’s really good at connecting with people,” McKinnon said.

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Louks served as the assistant coach last season and will keep that title for the next few seasons officially giving up the head coach role.

“No more than three. My plan has been 2027 with a fade to black comment. In my opinion, good leaders are marked or represented by the followers they have, and I’ve admired many of them that have inspired me to understand that it’s also important to know when to leave,” Louks said.

The women who have played under him say he connects so well with them because of all of his pieces of wisdom, they playfully refer to as “Tim Bits.”
