PIC 2 for Greensville Water Supply System

The Drinking Water System is currently supplied by one groundwater-sourced municipal well and pumping/treatment station (FDG01) which is not equipped with a backup water supply, and several components of the existing FDG01 system are reaching end of life. FDG01 is operating safely and effectively, however, it does not meet the City’s current outstation design manual criteria.

In 2022, the City completed a Constructability and Risk Assessment which identified alternatives for a backup water supply. The assessment identified the implementation of a new municipal communal well and pumping station with water storage could provide reliable water supply and quality to the Harvest Road WSS and meet the City’s outstation design manual criteria, while decommissioning FDG01.

The purpose of this study is to determine the preferred servicing scenario with a backup water supply, and the location of the new well and new pumping station within Johnson Tew Park if required.

The Process

This project is being conducted in accordance with the requirements of Schedule ‘C’ projects as outlined in the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment document (2023), which is approved under the Ontario Environmental Assessment Act.

Study map for Greensville Water Supply System

How to Participate

A second Public Information Centre (PIC) originally scheduled for March 6 will now be held on April 4 to present alternative design solutions, evaluation criteria, and the recommended strategy.

Live Virtual Meeting
Date: Thursday, April 4, 2024
Time: 6 to 8 pm
Pre-registration is required. Register your attendance

The project team will provide an overview presentation of the project and will be available to answer questions. The event will be held using the Microsoft Teams platform where individuals can participate online or by phone.

The meeting will be recorded and made available on the project website following the live event. Visit the project webpage anytime from April 4 to May 3, 2024 to view the information.

If you have any accessibility requirements in order to be able to review the PIC materials and provide comments, please contact the City Project Manager as soon as possible.

Public Comments Invited

For more information, to provide comments, or to be added to our mailing list, please contact:

Marco Silverio
Project Manager, Source Protection Planning
City of Hamilton
Phone 905-546-2424 ext. 6099
Email marco.silverio@hamilton.ca

Information will be collected in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. With the exception of personal information, all comments will become part of the public record.

This Notice Issued on March 21, 2024.
