Survivor of Stoney Creek murder takes stand on third day of Karafa, Li trial

On Friday, the lone survivor of a Stoney Creek murder recounted the night she was shot, saying her former friend pulled the trigger.  

The emotional testimony comes on the third day of the trial of accused killers Yun (Lucy) Li and Oliver Karafa. 

Jordyn Romano told the court that she made eye contact with the accused, Oliver Karafa, seconds before she was shot, saying that her former friend and business partner was the one who pulled the trigger.

“I’m in the driver’s seat, and I couldn’t talk, I couldn’t move and Oliver is staring at me,” she said through tears on Friday.

READ MORE: Witness who was shot by alleged gunman takes the stand in Karafa, Li murder trial

Romano stood up at the witness stand, raised her fingers in the shape of a gun, and looked wide-eyed at the crown, imitating what she says Karafa looked like the moment before he allegedly shot through the window of her Range Rover hitting her in the chest.

“Get out of here, Jo” Romano testified she heard Karafa say.

Karafa and Li are both facing charges for attempted murder, and first-degree murder in the killing of Romano’s partner, 39-year-old Tyler Pratt in February 2021.

Romano says the two couples had grown close as friends and business partners, after meeting in the fall of 2020.

The court heard how Karafa and Li had arranged to meet the couple at a warehouse on Arvin Avenue in Stoney Creek on the evening of Feb. 28, 2021, saying Li’s mom owned the property, and they could use it to start a grow-op business. 

READ MORE: Crown begins its case in Oliver Karafa and Lucy Li murder trial

Romano said she and Pratt were expecting a meeting with Karafa and Li the following day as well, so they could start receiving the profits from the group’s personal protective equipment sales business.

The real estate agent who was supposed to meet them never showed, and while they were waiting, Romano said she got into her car for warmth.

She testified that Karafa was standing near the passenger window when he allegedly pulled the gun suddenly.

Romano couldn’t say what happened to Pratt after she was hit, just that she heard more gunshots as she drove away.

She told the court Pratt’s final words were “Oliver, what the *expletive* bro.”

Romano’s testimony will continue on Monday when she will also be questioned by the defence.
