Public Notice re: Lobbying Prohibition

Pursuant to s. 9(1) of the Hamilton Lobbyist Registrar By-law, Graham Cubitt is prohibited from lobbying public office holders (Members of Council, their staff and members of the City’s Senior Leadership Team) for a period of 30 days commencing September 11, 2024 and ending October 11, 2024 for contravening s. 7(1) of the By-law, which requires a lobbyist to file a registration at least 1 business day before lobbying public office holders.

Pursuant to s. 4(1) of the By-law, public office holders must:

  • end, as soon as practicable, lobbying by Mr. Cubitt; and
  • report, in a timely manner, lobbying of them by Mr. Cubitt during the prohibition period.

Questions regarding this prohibition may be directed to the Lobbyist Registrar.

David G. Boghosian
Integrity Commissioner and Lobbyist Registrar, City of Hamilton
